Four Movie Scenes to Emulate on Prom Night

April 30, 2015

The time has come for the most eventful night of your high school career, otherwise known as prom night. You may have already danced around in your room in your outfit a few times and bought your ticket, but are you ready for the experience itself? Using dance scenes from famous movies as a guide, here are a few ways to, as last year’s theme suggests, make prom A Night to Remember.

If there is one thing to be learned from this 1976 movie, it is to be kind to your classmates! The prom scene from Carrie is infamous because it illustrates the rage that can grow inside of us when we are treated cruelly by our peers. Carrie is driven off the edge on her prom night when her tormentors dump a bucket of pig’s blood from the ceiling on her, and she wreaks havoc on everyone inside. If you have been longing for vengeance towards your bullies, prom night is perfect because they may be all gathered together. Take out your revenge in brutal but relatively non-harmful ways, though. You can really make an impression by covering yourself in blood as your ‘look’ for the night.

The dance scene from Grease seems unlikely because literally everyone in the shot is enthusiastic about dancing with their dates. The kids from Grease are fire on the dance floor. Lead by example by getting on to the floor first and never leaving. By the end of the night you should be completely exhausted from non-stop twisting, jumping, and shaking.

Back to the Future
Flung back in time to his parent’s prom, Marty McFly is under the pressure of making sure that his parents leave the night in love with each other. You too can rekindle your parent’s romance, by inviting them to prom with you! Prom is a night to remember no matter what age you are. On second thought, maybe just have your parents take the pictures.

For those who are not so much as interested in the prom as they are in their date, follow the example of Edward and Bella from Twilight. Have your date plan out the night meticulously, making sure that every moment you share is perfect. You and your date may be unfazed by prom, but it will give you a chance to share some beautiful, intense stares into each other’s eyes.

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