This “vacation” that we have received from this virus has had pros and cons. While it is very unfortunate that many are dying, and will continue to die, school closure has helped grant me the freedom that I needed. I feel as if being away from school has led to a positive change in my character, the only negative is that it’s under such grim conditions. I am working as a full time employee, I have been able to consistently achieve my mental and physical fitness goals, and stay on top of school work. Now that my schedule is not decided for me, I know what I want to do, and now how the time to do it. Overall I feel that quarantine has been a good thing, for me at least. I know that others are suffering with the grievance of losing a loved one, or someone close to them, and to them, my heart goes out. However, I cannot deny the overwhelmingly positive impact that going to distance learning has had on me as an individual. The timing of our release from school could not have been more perfect, and I am grateful. It really sucks that I am not able to take my license test though. I was scheduled for April 17th and was not able to do it. I bought a car anyways though cuz fuck it. $3,000 of my own money felt good to spend. It’s crazy too because I get a raise for working through this and I’ll be back there financially in not time. Thanks for reading my opinion on this, whoever does. Stay Safe.