Fashion Club Connects Students

Ruby Dennis, Staff Writer

Are you completely in sync with today’s styles? Or do you consider yourself more eclectic? Perhaps you enjoy borrowing ideas from previous generations. No matter your personal taste, there’s a place for you. This year, South students created a new club specifically for exchanging ideas about fashion.

The idea was born last year when students learned through the CCC (College and Career Center) of scholarship opportunities that could be achieved by starting a fashion club at their school. Haris Erpelding and Cleveland Miller were two of the founders. “This year, Haris is like, ‘why don’t we start a fashion club’ and so we kinda did all the work,” said Miller.

At a typical meeting, group members discuss fashion in general, knitting, crocheting and other crafty activities. One such project was creating their own unique fashion boards, which are collages or drawings of a person’s fashion ideas or style. Fashion club also designs and sells clothing to South students.

“I like the fact that different people with different types of styles come together and they blend… thats pretty amazing,” continued Miller. The group is welcoming to all students interested in fashion and clothing design, no matter their personal taste.

To attract new members, the club consults fashionable people in their friend groups and beyond. They also do projects such as, “stopping the person they think that is the most fashionable each week and taking pictures of them,” Miller added.

Fashion club is especially inspiring to those interested in a career in fashion after high school. Miller plans to become a clothing designer in the future, and he’s already had some experience. Miller works with his friend Amirah Coney to create and promote Coney’s line VMIRVH Apparel, which sells items such as t-shirts, crop tops and crew neck shirts.

The addition of this new group is definitely a merit to South. Fashion club is a place for the most stylish of our students to meet others with the same interests, share ideas, and develop their personal style.