Peace Coffee offers students a business opportunity

South High staff buys Peace Coffee from students in Ms. Giese’s welcoming classroom.
October 5, 2014
So there’s this place, called a coffee shop, that one would go to to get morning coffee. As a high school teacher, time is of the essence and there isn’t the time to stop by your local Peace Coffee shop and grab a quick cup of fair trade coffee on your way to work.
Solution: Tiffany Giese and her students sell Peace Coffee to South teachers and staff every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Giese’s participating students are Mark Runquist, Ayan Ismail, Alex Vidal Palma, Danielle Norcross, Logan Wehseler, DeAvion Havard, and Asad Moghul. “The students are enjoying the business and socialization and delivering the coffee,” wrote Geise in an email.
Giese teaches autistic students attending South High School and thought that she “wanted to start on site vocational skills the student to learn job skills, money skills, social and communication skills.”
After from getting approval from administration for the coffee project, Geise and her students can only sell to South High staff. They order their drink and receive it in between 8:30 and 9:30 in the morning.
Peace Coffee donated the starting amount of coffee and the students have been using their profits to continue the business. Giese chose Peace Coffee because it is “fair trade, organic, local and its delicious coffee!” she said.
So what’s next for the student run coffee business? “We hope to establish a good clientele and add additional refreshments, such as hot cocoa, tea etc.”
Jim Harkness • Oct 6, 2014 at 3:00 pm
What a great idea and great article! Peace Coffee is the best, and I hope the students get a chance to visit the Peace Coffee shop and meet Lee Wallace, the CEO, to learn more about Fair Trade business.