Bike and Walk to School Day makes biking exciting

Eva Shellabarger

Green Tigers Isabel Strebe and Izzy Willette handed out prizes to junior Bonna Dabala.

Eva Shellabarger, Editor

Bike and Walk to School Day was a gift to all environmentally-friendly commuters. As students sleepily rolled into school last Wednesday, they were greeted by a table of excited Green Tigers members who congratulated them on getting to school by biking or walking. South’s Jazz band played beside the entry door, while principal Ray Aponte danced along.

Green Tigers prepared to welcome in bikers and walkers.

Walk and Bike to School Day was part of an international effort to get more students to appreciate the benefits biking and walking bring. Thirty seven MPS schools took part in the day, meaning that thousands of students and staff got outside to take part.

Members of the Green Tigers commented that biking has become a popular trend at South. “Its also becoming a trend to just love the Earth, and take care of it!”, said Izzy Willette, a faithful member of the group.

Isabel Strebe, co-president of Green Tigers, commented that one of the aims of the day was “Giving students incentives [to bike], but also showing them that it can be easy.” Students who biked or walked to school were offered with prizes of water bottles, stickers, T-shirts, and bike pins.

Eva Shellabarger
South’s Jazz band greeted students at the door

“You’re in charge of your own transportation, you can leave when you want to, and don’t have to rely on other people,” Strebe shared about biking.

The Green Tigers collaborated with the Minneapolis Bike Coalition to put on the event. Volunteers installed free bike lights onto student’s handlebars, and gave out maps of bike lanes in Minneapolis.

Along with Bike and Walk to School Day, the Green Tigers are working on opportunities that the whole school could take part in. Strebe added that they are planning on bringing in guests who speak on environmental issues that students could listen to during the school day.

Eva Shellabarger
The bike racks filled up quickly!

Although not every morning can be as rewarding as Bike and Walk to School day was, bikers and walkers can go forward knowing that they’re supported by their classmates and school.