Large-scale fighting leads to code red

Large-scaled fights erupted at South High School on Monday, November 15th. As a result, classes were put in code red for about 30 minutes and the rest of the day was spent in code yellow.
November 15, 2021
On November 15th, multiple fights broke out at South High School. The first fight started before a scheduled assembly for freshmen, which was canceled in response to the conflict. Fighting continued to happen throughout the lunch periods. As a result, a code red was put into place during second lunch.
A code red means that all doors, both classroom and exterior doors, are supposed to be locked and no one is allowed in or out of classrooms. Students are expected to remain silent during a code red. The code red lasted until 12:25, and a code yellow was enacted for the rest of the day. Code yellow entails that the doors are still locked but students are allowed to move between classes and proceed with classwork. During this time no hallway passes are permitted.
While the reasoning for the fights is still unclear, the code red was put in place due to the building feeling unsafe. The code red was intended to allow time to regain control of the school, and it lasted for around 30 minutes before turning into a code yellow.
After the event, rumors swirled around the school about what possibly could have happened to cause the code red. Some thought that students from other schools had entered the building to start a fight with students from South. Others believed that one student had a gun. However, none of these rumors are evidentially true or false. “As Interim Principal, I want to assure you that at no time were any weapons displayed or used,” said Simondet.
Following the events, South High’s administration decided to put the school in “Tiger Pause” mode for Tuesday. According to an email sent by Interim Principal Stephen Simondet, “Tiger Pause” signifies that support staff will be placed around the building, classroom doors will be locked during class time, passes will only be given for emergencies, and the day will function on a regular bell and lunch schedule.
“Tiger Pause” is similar to a code yellow. According to Minneapolis Public Schools, during a code yellow interior doors are to be locked, classroom instruction continues, and the school day follows a regular bell and lunch schedule. All of these things also are protocol in a “Tiger Pause.”
The November 15th fights are the first fights reported on by the Southerner since the 2013 Valentine’s Day brawl, which eventually made national headlines. You can read more about this incident here.