Emilio Del Carmen
This is part of a point-counterpoint article. You can read the point here.
The Capitalist-Socialist debate has become increasingly prominent in American politics lately. With two presidential candidates whose views align closely with opposite sides, it’s time to start a conversation about what system works and what doesn’t. Socialism is a political system that embraces community and and spread of wealth not only economically but socially as well. With health care support, no-cost higher educational access and allocations to the jobless, socialism creates a more equitable state.
Not many countries have truly established the raw, Socialist political system: But many have coined aspects that prove to be successful. Countries and states such as Denmark, Canada and Finland, who each follow a more Socialist political agenda in education and the living standard of their citizens. In a report led by the Earth Institute of Columbia University recording the happiest countries based on GDP per capita, social support, healthy life expectancy, social freedom, generosity, and perception of corruption, Socialist countries ranked very high: Denmark being first, Norway, Canada, Netherlands and Australia ranking in the top ten countries.
Open english teacher and Socialist Mary Manor spoke about the benefits of Socialism, “Everyone has access to resources and goods,” she said, “[With socialism] everyone is a stakeholder.” Manor lived in England, a democratic-socialist countries for eight years, and she experienced first hand the advantages of Socialism, including having access to free health care.
Realistically, Manor believes it wouldn’t be possible to establish Socialism in the U.S.She said, “Not without an armed revolution, [However] there are pieces of socialism that could work in America: free health care, more equality, better access to education, and more businesses run by [the] community, such as community gardens and co-ops.”
One reason why Socialism is rejected by Americans is because of the idea of the American Dream. The Dream is “the belief that everyone in the US has the chance to be successful and happy if they work hard” according to the Cambridge Dictionary. This ideal has sustained American capitalism, but has proven unattainable in our current system. Americans can all compete in the same race, but not everyone starts at the same place; especially people of color as sophomore Beatrix Del Carmen pointed out. She said, “With capitalism, it’s a system that benefits just one person – the white, rich, cis guy.”
This concept that you need to simply work hard and pull yourself by your own bootstraps to earn enough money for your stability and happiness can easily be negated with statistics. “We ignore the fact that the boot straps we’re pulling aren’t our own.” said Manor.
In the current presidential race, Bernie Sanders has been renowned as a Democratic-Socialist candidate, and many young liberals have expressed their support for him. Sam Lee, a senior at South, expresses his support for Sanders and for Democratic-Socialism. “[He] recognizes the problems of this country…He understands that a college degree is as important as a highschool degree, which is pretty socialist,” he added. He went on to explain how Bernie supports universal healthcare and educational access. Lee said that socialism “saves lives.”