Dear Tiger Talk,
How do I distance myself from a person I no longer want to be friends with, without hurting feelings?
Burdened Bertha
Dear Burdened Bertha,
This is a tough situation, but I would say start to distance yourself from them slowly. If you spend a lot of time, slowly spend less time with them, and start to not initiate things with them. Usually, if you are not initiating anything, they will not either unless they really want to. In general though, I would say don’t spend your time around people you don’t want to be around, so it might be worth it to just tell that person that you don’t want to be friends with them anymore, especially if they aren’t getting the hint.
With Love,
Tiger Talk
Dear Tiger Talk,
How do I find new music to listen 2? It feels like I’ve been listening to the same 5 songs just in different forms for the past few months and I swear Spotify is evil.
Musical Mandy
Dear Musical Mandy,
Spotify is evil! But do not feel captured by its heartless walls, there is a world of music out there for you to discover. For ease, check out music websites like or; they have user and critic-rated albums + songs of all kinds. If you wanna stay in your comfort zone but still discover something new, you can look at certain albums by genre to find something fresh and exciting. But if you have the time, the Twin Cities are an incredible hub of arts and music – go to a record store! The people who work there live and breathe music, and will without a doubt have some sick recommendations for you (unless you listen to sound effect compilations I don’t know where to help you there).
Happy Listening,
Tiger Talk
Dear Tiger Talk,
How do I get better at gaslighting?
Manipulative Molly
Dear Manipulative Molly,
Gaslighting? What’s that? I think you’re making that word up.
Tiger Talk