South football player shows Patrick Henry who's boss. Photo Credit: Emmet Kowler
The clock was still counting down the remaining 10 seconds of the game, but the South Varsity football team was already jogging off the field, congratulating themselves for the 14-6 win at the end of the homecoming game against the Patrick Henry Patriots.
Despite a number of penalties, fumbles, and a weak offense, the Tigers pulled through with what Coach Lenny Sedlock called a “phenomenal” defense.
“Last week [Patrick Henry] put 40 in the first half,” said Sedlock, so he was proud of the fact that the first half was a shut out.
The Patriots couldn’t score a touchdown until almost halfway into the third quarter partly because of the numerous interceptions made by our defense, and at least two by junior T.J Mattson in particular. No matter how close the Patriots got, (and they got very, very close) they just could not catch the ball in the end zone.
However despite how many times the Patriots got close, Sedlock said the team “stuck together.” Despite making what Sedlock said were “too many mistakes,” the team stayed positive.
Senior and captain Elijah Ellison praised the defense as well noting that they have “great chemistry,” while saying the fumbles and penalties were “all offense’s fault.”
Sedlock said the team played well, adding that “our fans, the crowd, really put us over the edge.”