Team photos for this years fall sports were taken on September 4th – with a modern twist. Most of the time, team pictures are taken with the team, but this years players were photographed individually, and then photoshopped together.
Lynn Heldt, the Athletic Office Secretary, said that the photography company was changed for a few reasons. “Mark [Sanders, Athletic Director] made the decision because they get through quicker. It’s easier to get the teams over and everything.”
Last year, the team photos took two days, and most of the teams missed a whole day of practice. This year it took half an hour to get through all of the teams. “This way it’s better, and the kids can order online… We were pleased with the other one but this one is just quicker and more efficient.”
According to Heldt, people’s opinions have been mostly positive. She said, “Most of the coaches really like it. …A couple of teams don’t like it as well, like gymnastics would like to be doing a pose.”
But Camille Fredin, a soccer player, begs to differ. “I liked last year’s [system], and the previous years way better because it took like maximum 20 minutes and we would do it right before practice and then we could practice sooner, and this took like an hour and a half and we were just waiting in the hot gym.”