“Creator’s game” brings together All Nations staff and students

Students and staff get together for a friendly match of traditional lacrosse.

Noura Abukhadra, Staff Writer

In the past few years, traditional lacrosse has been picking up more players from the South high All Nations program. Traditional lacrosse is a way for students and adults alike to reconnect with their cultures and bond with their peers. Modern lacrosse originated from a cultural game played by Native Americans. The games could last for hours and would generally be in open spaces outdoors.

All Nations junior and lacrosse player Breanna Green prefers to describe it as ‘the creator’s game,’ as lacrosse was the name given by a French explorer. According to Green, traditional lacrosse is more respectful than the modern version. In modern lacrosse, “There’s not really any rules, it’s just get the ball to the post and score and use teamwork,” she said.

Green described the idea of traditional lacrosse as much more cultural and an experience to bond with students who she normally would not cross paths with. Players always smudge down before a game. “We will smudge down our sticks just so that we have a clear mind before we go and play. It’s actually for healing, so it’s looked at as a ceremony,” she explained.

She went on to mention a recent event where people who play traditional lacrosse gathered to practice the healing ceremony for their community member who had become ill.“There is a person in our community that got sick so everyone got together to play for him,” said Green. Green views traditional lacrosse as less of a game because no one keeps score. She emphasized that it’s not about winning or losing. It’s about community.

Site coordinator for the American Indian after school program Ramiro Vazquez Jr. agreed with Green that the ceremonies tie very closely with the community. The program has a partnership with the All Nations program and offers opportunities for students to practice and play traditional lacrosse. “ It’s [traditional lacrosse] in the realm of cultural healing, building community, building relationships with each other and practicing our culture,” said Vazquez.

The teams are considered an “open house”, and are formed based on whomever shows up on that day. However, Vazquez Jr. points out that people who attend more frequently get a chance to practice with extremely skilled players. “Our coaches also provide other creator’s game activities on Tuesday and Thursday, a good majority of my students do go to those practices as well and they play with more talented individuals, so they do have an edge on the rest of us who don’t practice as much,” he stated.

Both Green and Vaquez Jr. agreed that the creator’s game has become woven into every aspect of the player’s lives.  “I’ve heard other people on the team say lacrosse is a part of everything you do. Our coach Sasha [Brown] said that the way you carry yourself in lacrosse, or the creator’s game…it’s a reflection of how you are in life. [The way you play] is really valued. It’s healing, community, tradition and wellness,” concluded Green.