Super Soccer Saturday losses are tough, but South soccer teams persevere

September 10, 2017

8:00 AM, BARNARD FIELD — South’s Super Soccer Saturday kicked off for another year of the highly attended showdown between the South and Southwest High School soccer teams.

Super Soccer Saturday concluded with the freshman boys’ team tying with Southwest 0-0. Sophomore boys lost with a final score of  0-2. Both girls’ and boys’ Junior Varsity teams lost with ending scores of 0-6 and 1-3 respectively. Girls’ Varsity lost 0-4 and boys’ Varsity lost 1-2.

Eli Shimanski
Sophomore and Varsity player Claire Jensen passing the ball to her teammate. The team faced some losses, but maintain hope nonetheless: “I think we’ve been playing well even though we haven’t won,” said freshmen JV player Mia Frober.

The the day-long event showcased six soccer matches where South and Southwest students played head to head across the different level of teams.

While South suffered some losses, its players are looking forward: “I think that we’ve improved throughout the years and still improving and in a few years we should be a lot better,” said freshmen and Junior Varsity player Mia Frober. “I think we’ve been playing well even though we haven’t won.”

Aidan Campbell, sophomore on the Junior Varsity soccer team, spoke of the rivalry between the schools: “It’s a good competitive athletic rivalry which I think is healthy.”

Freshman Junior Varsity player Andrew Njogu believes Super Soccer Saturday has a positive effect on South’s community: “It brings us together it lets everyone have fun and see our team play it’s just really nice for everyone,” he said. “A lot of things like this for this community would be really good to let everyone to see each other a lot, to have fun and come out and be together, that’s what it’s all about.”

Eli Shimanski
Senior and Varsity player Brian Medel tries to wrestle the ball from a Southwest player. Sophomore boys lost with a final score of 0-2. Both girls’ and boys’ Junior Varsity teams lost with ending scores of 0-6 and 1-3 respectively. Girls’ Varsity lost 0-4 and boys’ Varsity lost 1-2.

Kutty expressed gratitude for the community support, “We love hearing you guys cheer for us, it just gives us elation.”

Junior Varsity and Varsity goalkeeper Krishnan Kutty spoke of his team’s loss: “When we lose, we learn from our mistakes and we’ll come back and capitalize on them in the next one,” he said. “It’s always fun to play but it was a tough loss.”

“We threw off a pretty good fight and it was a good draw, we could’ve won but we just came short…The rest of the teams have are doing pretty good but they have been getting unlucky and they’ve lost,” said Njogu.

Additional reporting done by Siobhan Sullivan and Cece Kauffmann.

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